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Archives: Courses
Recognizing and Reporting Workplace Impairment for Healthcare Providers
(2) credit hours
Course Overview
This Continuing Education course will provide the Healthcare provider with two (2) Contact hours of Continuing Education units (2 CEUs) that may be used for their license or certification requirements for continuing education.
This course aims to provide Florida-based providers with the knowledge and tools to recognize and appropriately respond to workplace impairment. Healthcare workers will learn to identify signs of substance abuse, mental health crises, and physical impairment in themselves, their colleagues, and patients. The course also covers Florida state laws and the responsibilities of healthcare providers under the Florida Nurse Practice Act, as well as best practices for reporting concerns about workplace impairment.
Target Audience: Registered Nurses (RNs), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), Nurse Practitioners (NPs)
Learning Objectives:
- This lesson explores the definition, forms, and impact of workplace impairment on healthcare professionals, with a focus on the legal and ethical obligations of healthcare providers in Florida to ensure patient safety and professional integrity.
- This lesson focuses on recognizing the signs and symptoms of impairment in healthcare colleagues, differentiating them from normal behavior, and understanding the impact of burnout and stress on professional competence.
- This lesson examines the legal and ethical obligations of healthcare providers in Florida regarding reporting workplace impairment, emphasizing a responsible and supportive approach that prioritizes patient safety and colleague well-being, guided by the Florida Board of Nursing regulations.
- This lesson explores the resources, support systems, and interventions available to help impaired healthcare providers, emphasizing the importance of a supportive and stigma-free workplace that promotes recovery and safe return to practice.
- This lesson emphasizes the importance of healthcare provider wellness in preventing impairment and explores strategies for promoting a healthy work-life balance, managing stress, and reducing burnout to enhance both personal well-being and professional competence.
Fall Prevention and Management for the Home Health worker and client (2) credit hours
This two hour fall prevention presentation will meet the requirements for continuing education for professional licensure. An overview of the course will provide the basic concepts of the reasons patients fall, the why and how, and other multiple causes that lead to falls. It will also include frequent references to falls and the pathology surrounding the fall, the after math of that fall, family concerns and prevention of those concerns. An overview of the different scenario’s and types of persons predisposed to falls, treatments of the initial fall, complications and physiological considerations, along with subjected fall safe methods to prevent falls and trips are discussed. Finally, the psychological impact of falls and the need for hospice are reviewed in this overview.
Satisfactory completion of this fall prevention review course will earn the participant two (2) contact hours. The participant must successfully pass the post course written examination with a minimum score of 80% and complete the course examination and Quality Assurance Evaluation form. A course completion certificate will be issued after all course completion requirements are met.
Upon completion of this program, the participant will be able to:
Indicate statistical and common sense reason for falls.
Define the HHA-CNA-Nurses reaction to a fall.
Specify the common situations that a person may fall.
List the primary reasons for falls and their possible complications.
Specify the role of the HHA-CNA-Nurse in preventing and early notice of falls.
Identify risk factors in the family’s role and their concerns.
Specify the role of the patient in self awareness and training procedures that the patient should go through so that they are aware of the fall situations.
List three (3) of the most common reasons for a person to fall.
Describe the various injuries that result in a fall.
Describe the role of confidentiality in a fall situation.
List the goals of the techs/staff in the management of clinical management of falls.
Define universal precautions and describe various applications of prevention of falls.
Describe the role of education in preventing trips and falls.
Medical Error Prevention and Safety
(2) credit hours
Course Overview
This Continuing Education course will provide the Healthcare provider with two (2) Contact hours of Continuing Education units (2 CEUs) that may be used for their license or certification requirements for continuing education.
This course is designed to equip healthcare providers working in Florida with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to prevent medical errors and promote a culture of safety in healthcare settings. The course will provide an overview of common types of medical errors, factors that contribute to errors, and evidence-based strategies for preventing them. It will also address Florida-specific regulations and guidelines related to patient safety, as well as the healthcare provider’s role in fostering a safe, high-quality care environment.
Target Audience: Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Assistants, and Healthcare Professionals working in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, and other healthcare settings in Florida.
Course Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Identify common types of medical errors and their potential consequences for patients and healthcare systems.
2. Understand the factors that contribute to medical errors and the importance of a safety culture.
3. Apply strategies for preventing medical errors, including effective communication, teamwork, and clinical decision-making.
4. Understand Florida-specific patient safety laws and regulations.
5. Develop a personal plan for preventing medical errors and improving safety practices in the workplace.
6. Recognize the role of healthcare providers in reporting, analyzing, and learning from medical errors.
Bloodborne Pathogens and Infection Control
Course Overview
This Continuing Education course will provide the Healthcare provider with two (2) Contact hours of Continuing Education units (2 CEUs) that may be used for their license or certification requirements for continuing education.This course is designed to provide healthcare providers with the essential knowledge and skills required to prevent the transmission of bloodborne pathogens and practice effective infection control in healthcare settings. The course will focus on understanding bloodborne pathogens (BBPs), recognizing occupational risks, and implementing best practices to protect both patients and healthcare workers. It also covers universal precautions, personal protective equipment (PPE), safe needle practices, and strategies for maintaining infection control.
Target Audience: Home Health Aides, Registered Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Assistants, and Healthcare Professionals in hospitals, clinics, and other clinical settings.
Credit Hours: 2 Hours
Course Learning Objectives
By the end of this course, participants will be able to:
1. Understand what bloodborne pathogens are and the risks they pose to healthcare workers.
2. Identify common bloodborne pathogens, including HIV, Hepatitis B (HBV), and Hepatitis C (HCV).
3. Implement standard precautions and infection control practices in clinical settings.
4. Use personal protective equipment (PPE) effectively to minimize exposure to bloodborne pathogens.
5. Understand the steps for safe needle handling and disposal.
6. Respond appropriately to occupational exposures to bloodborne pathogens, including post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).
7. Promote a culture of safety and infection control among colleagues and patients.
Alzheimer’s and Related Disorders
Course Overview:
This Continuing Education course will provide the Healthcare provider with two (2) Contact hours of Continuing Education units (2 CEUs) that may be used for their license or certification requirements for continuing education.
This course is designed to provide the healthcare provider with essential knowledge and skills to care for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and related disorders (ADRD). You will gain a deeper understanding of the diseases, their progression, symptom management, communication strategies, and the specific legal and cultural considerations in Florida. The course combines evidence-based practices with state-specific resources and guidelines.
Target Audience: Certified Nursing Assistants, Home Health Aides, Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Nurse Practitioners
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (ADRD), including the distinctions between the different types.
- Review the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia
- Learn how to understand and care for a patient with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders, and the roles that healthcare providers have.
- Review the pharmacological management of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders and understand the healthcare providers role in monitoring side effects
- Understand the legal and ethical issues surrounding care for patients with Alzheimer’s.
- Understand the cultural diversity when caring for patients with Alzheimer’s and the resources available to them in Florida.
This course offers essential training for healthcare providers to better understand and care for patients with Alzheimer’s and related disorders, emphasizing a holistic and culturally competent approach within the unique context of Florida’s aging population.
Medical Records and Documentation
This Continuing Education course will provide the Healthcare provider with two (2) Contact
hours of Continuing Education units (2 CEUs) that may be used for their license or certification
requirements for continuing education.
This course will cover such issues as various documentation formats and principles of various
forms of documentation. Common mistakes in charting to avoid will be addressed.
Recommendations will be presented to assist in quality medical record keeping and
Satisfactory completion of this two-hour Medical Record and Documentation course will earn
the participant two Contact Hours of Continuing Education. The participant must successfully
pass the post course written examination with a minimum score of 80% and complete the post
course evaluation form. A course completion certificate will be issued after all course completion
requirements are met.COURSE OBJECTIVES
The goal of this training program is to help the healthcare Provider to document properly. This
program will help to identify preventable errors of documentation and describe how to document
correctly in order to provide a safer health care environment for the patient.
After you study the information presented here, you will be able to:
Identify avoidable medical documentation errors
Provide constructive changes to prevent such errors
Correct medical documentation errors or change a record for the right reason and in the right
Provide a safer heath care environment for the patient by documenting proactively